Questions For the Week

1.  Look back at days 1 and 2 of this week. Have you ever been in a situation where you knew a younger (in faith) believer that seemed to be holding on to convictions from the past about things that you knew to be non-issues? How did you handle that? Or maybe you were that younger believer (ex: I really thought it was a sin to wear anything but a dress/skirt to church on Sunday morning unless there was ice on the roads outside). Do you recall any interactions with the older (in faith) believers as a result of your conviction? Is there currently any “right” that God is calling you to surrender for the sake of a younger Christian?

2. In Romans 15:3 we are reminded that, “even the Messiah did not please Himself.” What are some other ways in which Christ surrendered His rights? Does that change your perspective on what God may be calling you to surrender?

3. Philippians 2:5 instructs believers to “make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus.” In order for my attitude to be like His, something in me has to change. What part(s) of your attitude do you need to put to death (Romans 12:1, “living sacrifice”) in order for you to take on the attitude of Jesus?

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