A Note From Pastor HD

I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas Mommy and daddy are mad I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas 'Cause I ain't been nuttin' but bad

That must have been how the Christians in Corinth felt when Paul wrote the scathing letter about their behavior. In the church there was sexual dysfunction, abuse of the Lord’s Supper, and the disunity of the church in general. We will read about what Paul prescribed for the church.  

Have you ever asked yourself ‘why do people in the church act so terrible’? We are the called out ones; redeemed by His blood; and commanded to walk in His example. God expects more from us and should see a better than average human when He looks at us.

How much does He want to bless us? How much more Kingdom work does He have for us to do and yet we sometimes “ain’t been nothing but bad”.

In 2025 our Preaching Theme will be GREAT THINGS. We will Expect GREAT THINGS from Him and we will Attempt GREAT THINGS for Him.  

I’m so proud of you and what God has accomplished through this body of believers but I want to see greater things. He is willing if we are ready. So, repent, ask, and watch what He can do. I bet it will be GREAT THINGS!

Happy New Year… It’s going to be a Great one!
Pastor HD and Susan

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