A Note from Pastor HD

Did you know that we are approaching tornado season in Middle Tennessee? March and April seem to be some of the scariest months in our region. Typically, a tornado happens when a cold front collides with a warm front. We have lightning, thunder, heavy rains, and unfortunately sometimes tornadoes. As much as we hate the storms, we have to admit God seems to do some of His best work in difficult circumstances. It is out of chaos that God’s grace is highlighted, and the church is utilized.
In our devotions this time we are going to see the lives of some of our favorite Old Testament characters. These are some messed up people from dysfunctional families. In these stories it is easy to see the “storms of life”: death, broken families, broken dreams, famine, lust, and war just to name a few. Yet, we see God at work through the storms and the brokenness. How many women look at their own lives and find comparison with Ruth or even Bathsheba? How many men think about the conquest of David and the failure of a “man after God’s own heart”?

 These people are real men and women in the Bible that didn’t have it all together; they didn’t always get what they wanted; nor did they always do the right thing. But God was working even when it seems like the tornado came and took away all hope. See, Ruth, Samuel, Saul, David, Bathsheba, and even ole Goliath, point us to Jesus. Not all of them will end up following God but all of them are part of the story. God’s story, where He sent His Son into the middle of the storm… to redeem that which had been lost. These people in the Old Testament remind us of ourselves. Some of us are victims, some of us are vicious, and some of us are vacillating in the storms of life. All of us need a Savior. Thank God that Jesus came to save us; thank God that Jesus died on the cross; and thank God that He rose from the grave. There is hope for people like those in the OT and for people like us.

Let me encourage you as we make our way toward Easter (actually Resurrection Sunday) to participate with us as we FAST something (food, TV, social media) during the 40 days leading up to the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection. It starts on Wednesday, March 5th through Good Friday. We want to focus on repentance, relationship, and rejoicing. Remember we are Expecting Great Things and Attempting Great Things. Temple, we love you, Pastor HD and Susan

Sundays: Connect Classes: 8:30AM & 10AM Worship: 8:30AM &10AM
5TH SUNDAYS: 10AM 5TH Sunday Family Service No Connect or Nursery
Wednesdays: Fellowship Meal: 5:30PM-6:20PM Classes For All Ages:  6:30PM

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