Questions for the Week

1.  There are a lot of labels in our churches today. There is Progressive Christianity; Prosperity Gospel; Reformed Theology; Calvinism; Arminianism and many more. What do you know about these labels? If nothing else, you might want to do a little research. Why? Because you want to make sure your church is scripturally accurate. Why is it important to know and apply God’s Word to our lives correctly?

2.  All of us start our walk with Jesus with limited knowledge. It is not until the Holy Spirit indwells your soul that you begin to understand God’s Word correctly. What are some things He has corrected in your life?

3. At the end of our life we will look back and evaluate our walk with the Lord. What things will you be proud of that you have done for Him? What things do you think you will reevaluate and wish you would have done differently?

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