Temple Volleyball... It's back!

Games played on Sundays at White House Middle School
Game times 5:30PM 6:30PM 7:30PM
Don't miss out on a great time of fun and fellowship.
Remember:  Even if you don't play, you can come out and cheer on your favorite teams.  Concession Stand will be open for dinner for Championship Games.  Pizza will be available.   All proceeds will benefit Temple Youth Camp.  
Black Team
Jessica Adkins
Garnett Cothern
Courtney Ledford
Jeremy Ledford
Mindy Manuel
Chris Martin
Brandon Newton
Erin Robertson
Joel Robertson
Jude Robertson
Light Green Team
Cody Baker
Jacob Bridgman
Maylee Brown
Henry Collier
Dana Dorris
Jason Dorris
Nathan Garrett
Norah Garrett
Shari Garrett
Brea Giles

Green Team
Cliff Bynum
Elijah Bynum
Nicole Dutton
Katlyn Hardin
Aliyah Ricketts
Austin Ricketts
John Ricketts
Amber Sprinkles
Brandon Sprinkles
Cole Van Vleet
Maroon Team
Sharon Coppock
Zac Coppock
Zac Coppock II
Karen Cothern
Maddox Mason
Matt Mason
Maverick Mason
Rachael Mason
Ginger Morris
April Pearson

Red Team
Alan Brown
Cory Campo
Ashton Dubay
Justen Dubay
HD Jones
Joey Singer
Morgan Singer
Nora Speed
Manda Young
Thomas Young
Orange Team
Bryce Akers
Brett Barker
Colton Connally
Beth Ignatz
Logan Ignatz
Jackson Old
Dale Peterson
Brandi Ubelhor
Tyler Ubelhor
Pam Wisinski
Yellow Team
Katy Faulk
Peyton Faulk
Hannah Herendeen
Ethan Pina
Isaac Pina
Deana Righter
Devin Righter
Georgia Rittenberry
Jacob Woods
Stephen Woods
Light Blue Team
Aspen Finch
Canon Finch
Jonathan Finch
Daniel Johnson
Grace Johnson
Raylee Johnson
Kassidy McCoy
BJ Stahlin
Kim Stahlin 
Chad Yates
Gray Team
Angie Bullard
Caleb Jenkins
Alyson Manor
Trey Manor
Lindsey Mayfield
Shawn Mayfield
Brad McMurtry
Marie McMurtry
Osmin Sorto
Ryan Worrell
Navy Team
Gavin Bullard
Annslee Duke
Buford Duke
Caitlin Duke
Micah Jones
Patrick Raley
Brandon Steele
Ava Wise
Brian Wise
Brooke Wise
Blue Team
John Bale
Billy Freeman
Rachel Freeman
Abby Joiner
Allee Nelson
Robert Nelson
Josh Rey
Kameron Sizemore
Katie Sizemore
Scotty Sizemore

Tan Team
Jeremy Cannon
Reese Cannon
Jonathan Cunningham
EmmaLynn Early
Ally Jackson
Tyler Jackson
Jacob Jenkins
Jake Rodriguez
Denise Simonsen
John Simonsen
Kaylee Simonsen