September 24, 2024

Romans 5:6-11 (HCSB)
Those Declared Righteous Are Reconciled

6 For while we were still helpless, at the appointed moment, Christ died for the ungodly. 7 For rarely will someone die for a just person—though for a good person perhaps someone might even dare to die. 8 But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us! 9 Much more then, since we have now been declared righteous by His blood, we will be saved through Him from wrath. 10 For if, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, then how much more, having been reconciled, will we be saved by His life! 11 And not only that, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ. We have now received this reconciliation through Him.

Katlyn Hardin
Reading through these verses puts my position with the Father into perspective and humbles my heart. Paul, wanting to reaffirm that those declared righteous through faith are not because God was obligated or by their work, but because of the great love and desire God had to dwell with His people–Jew and Gentile alike. Our faith in Christ was never meant to justify us alone, but being justified AND reconciled, God meant for us to walk with Him in relational communion, just as Adam did in the garden. Verse 8 confirms this to all believers because God did not just say He loves us without evidence–He proved it by sending Christ at the right time to die for our sins, even while we were actively rebelling against the holy God. Christ did all the work, paying the payment we owe; we are called to simply have faith in what Christ’s work did for us. Isn’t this every believer’s story? That we who were far off, enemies of God, were brought near through Christ’s death, and are saved by His life. This is hope we rest in as we face the afflictions Paul mentioned earlier in the letter (v. 3-5) and the hope we should be compelled to share with everyone around us. As we allow this reality to sink into our hearts may we offer praises to our Father, rejoicing in the great love of our Lord Jesus Christ. “Father God, praise be to Your name for Your great love that you proved to have for us through Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. Thank you that You desire to be with us and have made the way for that. Lord, with this truth and hope living in us, may we be willing and ready to share it with someone today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

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