Questions for the Week

1.  In some ways, chapter 5 is like hitting fast-forward in the Genesis story. How does mankind get from being made in the “image of God” to thinking “nothing but evil all the time” (Gen. 6:5)? God is all-knowing, so this doesn’t catch Him off-guard. Yet, the “LORD regretted” making mankind. How does this reveal sin never stays hidden, never stays small, and always hurts others?

2.  While mankind was very corrupt, Noah found favor with God and was told to build the Ark. It likely took many decades to build. What do you think Noah told people when they saw what he was building? How does that reveal God’s grace toward mankind? Knowing that only a few people got on the Ark, what does that reveal about sin’s affect on us?

3.  Sin is an act of war against God, the flood was God’s war against sin. The word for “bow” (9:13) is literally for an archer’s bow. How does creation testify to God’s faithfulness through the rainbow? What does it say about God’s grace, given how much we sin? What does it say about the seriousness of sin? Why should that lead us to repentance?

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