Sunday Connect Lesson for February 5, 2023

Integrity on Display
 Our relationships at home and at work should give evidence of our commitment to Jesus Christ. Paul addressed those work relationships in these verses.

Study the Word: Key Truth: A believer's workplace conduct should bring honor to Christ (Colossians 3:22-4:1). The employee should be fair to the employer, giving a good day's work for his or her pay. The employer should be fair to the employee, doing what is right. Both should honor their Master in Heaven.

Key Truth: Prayer and wise living help us influence unbelievers (Colossians 4:2-6).  Paul asked the church to pray for him to have opportunities to share the gospel.  He encouraged them to honor God with their wise choices, time management, and words.

Family Connection: Continue the discussion after church!

What does it look like for a believer to do their work in a way that honors God? Why is our attitude important to how we work? How does your attitude influence your behavior?

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