1. Second Peter 1 starts off with a bang – calling, election, glory, and prophecy. He ends this chapter by stating that prophecy is from those who “spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” Why does that come after Peter saying, “we don’t follow cleverly devised myths”? What are some cultural myths that contradict the Bible? Why do they often sound good?      
  2. Second Peter 2:19 is a powerful verse! It tells us that false prophets and teachers promise “freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved.” Where are you tempted to fall for some new “freedom”? Why in that area? How, instead, does that lead to slavery? What pitfalls does that “freedom” lead to?   
  3. How would you sum up the parable of the Sower? How might thisparable help us avoid being     manipulative in our preaching, teaching, and evangelizing? What are some signs that the cares and riches of the world are choking out lasting faith? What would you say to someone whose only evidence of salvation was a momentary decision?

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