A Message from Pastor H.D.

When our kids were little, we would cringe every time one of them would tattle because someone said the “S - Word”. Thankfully most of the times that word was describing someone with low intelligence or a harsh way to tell someone to be quiet. I hear some of you laughing because you have had this very experience. In the Christian’s life there are some “S - Words” that we don’t like talking about… “Suffering” and “Standing”. We would rather not suffer and standing means I have to be active in my belief system. The Christian life is not easy. We are called to work on ourselves, forgive others, oppose evil and please God. That will definitely mean we will have to take some stands and we will suffer.
So, sit back and enjoy the ride as we enter the time of year when we see Jesus suffer the greatest injustice of all time at Calvary and watch Him stand for what is right. Because of what He has done for us we will be able to Stand and we will be able to endure the Suffering.
Pastor HD and Susan

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