Sunday Connect Lesson for January 22, 2023

Paul likely wrote his letter to the believers at Colossae around AD 61-62 while under house arrest in Rome. In this section he encouraged the Colossian believers to focus on the things of God, putting off sinful thoughts and actions and putting on godly ones.

Study the Word:  The apostle Paul used the imagery of putting off and putting on - strip off the ungodly actions and dress instead in the righteous actions and attitudes that make us look like Christ.

 Key Truth:   Believers focus on God and His ways rather than on the world and its ways (Colossians 3:1-4). When Christ is our King, it means we are no longer rulers over our own lives.

Key Truth: Believers set aside old, sinful ways and put on new, godly ways (Colossians 3:5-17).  We must cast aside sinful attitudes and actions as we battle with our old desires. As a Christian, live according to a different set of values and priorities.

Family Connection: Continue the discussion after church!  How do people become new when they trust Christ as Savior? What are some godly attitudes and actions we should take as followers of Christ? What godly attitude or action could you more fully put on this week?

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