December 23, 2024
Proverbs 1:8-19 (HCSB)
Avoid the Path of the Violent
8 Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction, and don’t reject your mother’s teaching, 9 for they will be a garland of grace on your head and a gold chain around your neck. 10 My son, if sinners entice you, don’t be persuaded. 11 If they say—“Come with us! Let’s set an ambush and kill someone. Let’s attack some innocent person just for fun! 12 Let’s swallow them alive, like Sheol, still healthy as they go down to the Pit. 13 We’ll find all kinds of valuable property and fill our houses with plunder. 14 Throw in your lot with us, and we’ll all share our money”— 15 my son, don’t travel that road with them or set foot on their path, 16 because their feet run toward trouble and they hurry to commit murder. 17 It is foolish to spread a net where any bird can see it, 18 but they set an ambush to kill themselves; they attack their own lives. 19 Such are the paths of all who make profit dishonestly; it takes the lives of those who receive it.
Andrew Ivey
This week’s passages are all going to address money and wealth. But we will start with a passage that goes in a direction you probably don’t expect. Today’s passage addresses ill-gotten gains, particularly those acquired through violently victimizing others. While this scripture was written close to 3,000 years ago, these people, who ruthlessly victimize the innocent, are still prevalent in our world today. Many find victims every day in Nashville. They may burglarize a house, carjack a driver, or even take someone’s life in their pursuit of ill-gotten wealth. Do not believe for an instant they will get away with it. Reread verses 18-19. These people ambush themselves and destroy their own lives. One day they will stand before a Holy God to give an account of their actions, just as you and I will. Solomon admonishes us not to join them on this self-destructive path. Stay far away. Do not make them your friends. Don’t let them drag you down and deceive you to follow them. If you find yourself tempted to pursue illicit gains, run away! And while you’re running, run to Jesus and live. In Him, we find life, healing, and the forgiveness of sins.
Avoid the Path of the Violent
8 Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction, and don’t reject your mother’s teaching, 9 for they will be a garland of grace on your head and a gold chain around your neck. 10 My son, if sinners entice you, don’t be persuaded. 11 If they say—“Come with us! Let’s set an ambush and kill someone. Let’s attack some innocent person just for fun! 12 Let’s swallow them alive, like Sheol, still healthy as they go down to the Pit. 13 We’ll find all kinds of valuable property and fill our houses with plunder. 14 Throw in your lot with us, and we’ll all share our money”— 15 my son, don’t travel that road with them or set foot on their path, 16 because their feet run toward trouble and they hurry to commit murder. 17 It is foolish to spread a net where any bird can see it, 18 but they set an ambush to kill themselves; they attack their own lives. 19 Such are the paths of all who make profit dishonestly; it takes the lives of those who receive it.
Andrew Ivey
This week’s passages are all going to address money and wealth. But we will start with a passage that goes in a direction you probably don’t expect. Today’s passage addresses ill-gotten gains, particularly those acquired through violently victimizing others. While this scripture was written close to 3,000 years ago, these people, who ruthlessly victimize the innocent, are still prevalent in our world today. Many find victims every day in Nashville. They may burglarize a house, carjack a driver, or even take someone’s life in their pursuit of ill-gotten wealth. Do not believe for an instant they will get away with it. Reread verses 18-19. These people ambush themselves and destroy their own lives. One day they will stand before a Holy God to give an account of their actions, just as you and I will. Solomon admonishes us not to join them on this self-destructive path. Stay far away. Do not make them your friends. Don’t let them drag you down and deceive you to follow them. If you find yourself tempted to pursue illicit gains, run away! And while you’re running, run to Jesus and live. In Him, we find life, healing, and the forgiveness of sins.
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