March 9, 2024
Questions for the Week
- In Matthew 6:14-15, Jesus tells us that we must forgive in order to be forgiven. That’s a powerful command. Have you had to forgive someone in your life who has done some unforgivable act toward you or someone you love? How were you able to achieve that forgiveness to make it right with God? Do you think it’s okay to forgive but not forget? How can we keep in alignment with what’s expected of us as Christians while holding on to that memory or experience?
- In Matthew 18:10-14 we read the story of the lost sheep, and in the commentary, we read how important the shepherd’s crook (the stick) is in the story and in our lives. Has Jesus ever had to use his stick on you before? When in your life have you experienced Him leaving the ninety-nine while He was running after you to bring you back into the fold? How have you used the stick in your own life to bring someone else back to the herd?
- Matthew 18:15-20 speaks about how to approach someone who has fallen away from the right path. These instructions are tough because, most of the time, we would rather not get
involved. When has there been a time in your life that you have known that someone needed a nudge back on track? Have you followed these instructions? If so, how? If not, what did you do instead? What was the outcome?
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February 1, 2024February 2, 2024Questions for the WeekSunday Connect Lesson for February 4, 2024February 5, 2024February 6, 2024February 7, 2024February 8, 2024February 9, 2024Questions for the WeekSunday Connect Lesson for February 11, 2024February 12, 2024February 13, 2024February 14, 2024February 15, 2024February 16, 2024Questions for the WeekSunday Connect Lesson for February 18, 2024February 19, 2024February 20, 2024February 21, 2024February 22, 2024February 23, 2024Questions for the WeekSunday Connect Lesson for February 25, 2024February 26, 2024February 27, 2024February 28, 2024February 29, 2024
March 1, 2024Questions for the WeekSunday Connect Lesson for March 3March 4, 2024March 5, 2024March 6, 2024March 7, 2024March 8, 2024March 9, 2024Sunday Connect Lesson for March 10March 11, 2024March 12, 2024March 12, 2024March 13, 2024March 13, 2024March 14, 2024March 14, 2024March 15, 2024March 16, 2024Sunday Connect Lesson for March 17, 2024March 18, 2024March 19, 2024March 20, 2024March 21, 2024March 22, 2024Questions for the Week
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