Questions of the Week

1.  What are you doing each day to be a "living and holy sacrifice that is pleasing to God”? What does this verse mean to you? What do you need to change to be more like this?

2.  If you have not done so already, take a Spiritual Gifts Survey and find out what your gifts are. What is your gift/gifts (everyone has at least one) and how can I use them at Temple? How can the church be limited if every member does NOT use their gift? How can the church be better if everyone DOES use their gift? Sign up to use them NOW! Ask me (Susan Jones) if you don’t know where to find somewhere to plug in. There is a place for EVERY gift!

3.  What is a desire of your flesh that you have trouble getting away from? If you continue to pursue that desire/sin what will the result be? What can you put in place to help resist it? Do that today! What Fruit of the Spirit do you want to experience by living fully for Christ the most? Why? What do you need to pursue for God to be able to grow that fruit in your walk? Who is someone in your life, past or present, that you saw/see the Fruits of the Spirit in? What type of life did they lead? How did this fruit show in their life?

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