September 20, 2024

Relational Style Survey
Every person has a natural style of how he or she relates to others. Every style has its strengths and weaknesses. God can use any relational style that is submitted to Him to serve His purposes. To know your relational style is to know how God has molded you to serve people and to fit into the body. Two words of caution: 1. Your natural relational style is not an excuse for sinful behavior. God's Spirit is the balance to your natural style. 2. To discover your natural, relational style does not automatically determine how you will relate in every relationship and situation. God created you, a living being, not a machine. You make choices, and your natural style does not always predetermine those choices.

The learning activity which follows is designed to help you do this.  It involves the completion of a survey, which will prove to be an interesting and thought-provoking experience.  This four-category model has been proven over time and has strong scientific support.

Plan to spend a little extra time with this survey, completing it as accurately as possible.  Some of the choices may be difficult, but do your best to rank each set of terms as they honestly reflect your distinctive, God-given personality.  Your ranking of each set does not reflect a right or wrong choice, nor does it assume that any particular personality style is preferable to another.

Follow Link Here to take Relational Style Survey

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