Questions for the Week

1.  What does Romans 1:8-15 teach us about our relationships to one another in the body of Christ? How have you been encouraged in your faith by another believer? How have you been able to encourage someone else in their faith?

2. Romans 1:16-17 is an often memorized and quoted verse. However, its larger context includes vss. 14-15. Paul’s desire was to preach the gospel to anyone and everyone without any felt shame for his beliefs. Are there any verses in the Bible or doctrines that make you uncomfortable in today’s culture? Why/why not?

3. Why do we, as Christians, need to pay special attention to Romans 2:17-29 –especially verse 24 where it says “the name of God is blasphemed...because of you.” Reflect on your there anywhere that people might look at your habits, patterns, speech, or attitudes and think poorly of Christ? What are some steps you can take to bring your life into greater alignment with Christ in that area?

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