September 14, 2024

1.  Having gone through some of the more prominent spiritual gifts passages this week, what are some of your spiritual gifts? How can you put that gift to use in a way that will honor God with the method, motive, and results? What is a way that you can serve your church and community that will bring the light of the gospel to those flailing in darkness?

2. Looking at your spiritual gifts, what are some ways that you need to be careful? How can you put safeguards around your heart to prevent using your gifts in a dishonoring way? Is it possible to see positive results with your gift while still dishonoring God with the method or motive?

3. Spiritual gifts are given to believers. They are different than natural abilities. They are given by God at spiritual birth, not at your physical birth. With that in mind, who are some leaders you’ve seen use their spiritual gifts well? How so? Who are some leaders you’ve seen use their gifts poorly? What happened?

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