Questions for the Week

1.  God was calling Moses to step up and lead His people out of Egypt. The first step was for him to take action, even though he made it clear he was reluctant. What has God put on your heart lately? Maybe it’s been volunteering at church, getting involved in a ministry, encouraging a friend, or maybe it’s having a difficult conversation with someone. Whatever it is, make a note of it.

2. Based on your answer above, how can you put this into action? James 1:22 tells us that we are to “be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” Write down a couple of    ways you can actively pursue these.

3. Look again at what happened in yesterday’s reading (Exodus 32). The people of Israel got lost in their waiting. Is there an idol in your life you need to remove? List it below. How can you keep yourself on task for telling people about Jesus and showing them the love that He has   shown to all of us? Maybe it’s an accountability partner, maybe it’s discussing it with your   Connect teacher or a member of our church staff. But let’s not get distracted by a “golden calf” from the world.

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