Questions for the Week

1.  Have you ever found yourself waiting for a long time for something you really want? What did you do during that time? If you are waiting now for God to answer a prayer or give you direction for your life, or even bring someone to salvation that you have been praying for, what are some things you can focus on and do to help you while you wait for His response?

2. The Bible teaches us that Jesus will return and the day and time is unknown to anyone. God alone has that information. Do you listen to or read things that say more than what’s written in the Scriptures? Do you think it’s okay to question what you are being told by those who claim to know what will happen in the future?

3. If the love of money is a root of evil at times, and Jesus said we can’t serve God and money at the same time, how do we know where the line is between good and bad when it comes to financial matters? What can you do to make sure you are taking care of business while at the   same time fully serving God in your life? What safeguards can you think of to help you keep your    focus on Him even while you are making a living?

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