Questions for the Week

1.  How would you react if our Lord and Savior (through an angel, through the Holy Spirit or otherwise) spoke to you and asked you to go and do something? Well, we may not hear an audible voice of the Lord; however, His Word does call on those who believe in Him to tell others about Jesus Christ and what He has done in their life. How are you at passing along the Gospel to others?

2. Do you pass along the Gospel to everyone, regardless of them being “like you” or familiar? You do, whether you do it verbally or through your actions. What can you do in your day to day life that would easily show others the love of Jesus Christ that lives within you?

3. Do you desire to learn more about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Do you long to study His Word? Do you seek friends and relationships with fellow believers who strengthen your walk just by being closer to them? If not, consider how you can draw closer to Jesus in your day to day walk.

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