Questions for the Week

1. Just like Moses, the Lord often asks us to do things for His glory that are outside our wheelhouse. What has the Lord asked you to do recently that was outside your comfort zone? Did you do what He asked, and how did it turn out?

2.  In these passages, we learned about the meaning of Passover and how it has become so   important in Jewish tradition. From a believer’s standpoint, Jesus is our Passover lamb. How did these passages make you feel as a believer? What did you learn about your God and your Savior?

3. There were approximately 1500 years between the Passover in Egypt, and the sacrifice of   Jesus on the cross for our sins. As you think about the scripture as a whole (from start to finish), how does it make you feel about the message that runs through the Bible? Does it make you rethink anything about the stories and God’s ultimate plan for us as believers?

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