Questions for the Week

1.  Matthew 19:3-6 paints marriage in a strictly one-flesh union between a man and a woman. Why is that important in relation to the fact that God made man and woman? Why can’t any other version of marriage meet the one-flesh union that God designated from the beginning?
2.  How does Ephesians 5:22-33 only really make sense if you buy into God’s design for gender and marriage? In Ephesians, Paul sets the design for marriage in creation. Does that change your opinion on the differences we see between men and women? Why would Paul say to a man “love your wife” and to a woman “respect your husband”?

3.  Why is Romans 1:18-32 so offensive to the culture today? Why, in that passage, did God give “them over in the desires of their hearts” (1:24-25)? Is there anyone that hasn’t committed one of the sins in vss. 1:28-31? Why should that make us cautious about singling out one sin from another?

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