Questions for the Week

  1. Jesus is better than anything. He is higher than angels (vs. 1:6). He is God’s exact imprint (vs. 1:3). In Hebrews 1:10-13  Jesus is the Creator – He’s God. Why do we, then, sell ourselves short by worshipping anything other than Jesus? What do you tend to bow down to or to serve? Why? What has He done for YOU that is worth worshipping?
  2. In Hebrews 2:1 it tells us to pay close attention to what we have heard so we don’t drift away. What makes it hard for you to hear God’s message? What anchor keeps you from spiritual drift? When do you find yourself most vulnerable to drift? Why? Where does our culture drift – not just the big and visible ways but subtly? How can you fight that in yourself?
  3. Hebrews calls Jesus the Great High Priest. In the OT, the High Priest was the only person that could enter the Holy of Holies where God’s presence dwelled – and only once a year. In the OT, you had to make sacrificial atonement every year. What does it mean for you that Jesus is now your once-for-all atonement and that YOU become the place God’s presence dwells?

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