Sunday Connect Lesson for April 23, 2023

Taking The Road Less Travelled

The events in the book of Daniel took place during the time when God's people had been taken into captivity by the Babylonians and later the Medo-Persian Empire from 605 BC to 536 BC..

Study The Word: Daniel lived in a world hostile to his faith and devotion to God. While there was a very real temptation to conform to the world around him, Daniel stood strong.

Key Truth: The world wants to squeeze believers into its mold (Daniel 1:1-7).  The Babylonians sought to assimilate the Israelite captives into their culture and to train them for service to the king.

Key Truth: Believers do what pleases God instead of what the culture dictates (Daniel 1:8-16).  Daniel and his friends courageously and politely requested an alternative to the king's food, which was probably in violation of Jewish dietary laws.

Key Truth: God uses believers for His glory when they choose to honor Him (Daniel 1:17-21). God blessed Daniel and his colleagues with wisdom and skill they could use to serve the king.

Family Connection: Continue the discussion after church!
When is it difficult to do what pleases God instead of what the culture wants? How did Daniel and his friends stand for what was right? When have you had to stand for what is right? When might you need to?

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