1. One of the key themes this week is how Daniel, while in Exile, wouldn’t defile himself –regardless of the consequences. Daniel experienced push back but stood strong. Why did he experience “favor and compassion” (Dan. 1:9)? What kind of strength does it take to live for God when no one else does? Where do you need to do that? What would that look like? 
  2. Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah followed God and they received wisdom and skill (1:17). They were better at their jobs than others. This was from God, but they had to be faithful. How hard did they work to excel? How hard was it to remain faithful when people tried to change their beliefs (1:4)? Is it hard to trust God in the same way they did? Why/why not? 
  3. Those 4 faithful youths were about to lose their lives because of someone else’s sin (2:9 and 2:12). Have you ever been punished for someone else’s sin? In the midst of this, their first response was to seek God (1:17-18). Daniel received the answer during the night. How much sleep do you think he got? Do you think he was afraid of what might come tomorrow?

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