1. The book of Esther takes place during the time of the Exile–when Israel is being punished for sinfulness. Several of the main characters are Jewish (Esther and Mordecai). What does it say about God’s love for His people that He exalts these two into leadership? What can we take from this book about how to live for God (even during punishment!) in a broken world?   
  2. Esther becomes queen after Vashti refuses what King Ahasuerus demanded while drunk. What are the chances that Esther, a conquered foreigner, gets chosen as queen over all other women from many nationalities? What does it say about God’s sovereignty that He saves Israel through a pagan king? Does that make it easier to trust God in your difficulties? 
  3. In the end of Esther, the Jewish people are saved by defeating their enemies. Today, self-defense is often “unacceptable,” and words are “violence.” How does this fit with the way God’s will unfolds? Why does God defeat Israel’s enemies even though Israel was being punished in Exile? What does it say about God that unrepentant sin does not go unpunished?

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