1. Second Timothy 3:1-9 lists about 20 ways people will run from God. Which of those are you most prone to fall into? After that list comes Paul’s command to follow the example he set. Paul found the wisdom to lead a godly life by spending time in the Word. How often do you read the Bible? Have you ever thought of memorizing
2 Tim. 3:16-17? 2. One of the last things Paul told Timothy was to be “ready in season and out of season” (2 Tim 4:2). After that, Paul says to lead with “complete patience and teaching.” Where are you seen as a leader? How can you prepare yourself for greater leadership? When does leadership test your patience? How can you work on that?
3. It is often quite hard to live like Christ – especially based on Romans 12:9-21. Genuinely love? Outdo one another in honor? Constant prayer? Bless your persecutors? Weep with the hurting? Don’t seek vengeance? Feed your enemy? Those are not natural activities. Why can Paul command us to do those things? How can we make those more natural for us?
Want to dig deeper? Go directly to You will be able to listen or watch a conversation with Temple's pastors as they sit down and dive deeper into the weekly questions and content.
2 Tim. 3:16-17? 2. One of the last things Paul told Timothy was to be “ready in season and out of season” (2 Tim 4:2). After that, Paul says to lead with “complete patience and teaching.” Where are you seen as a leader? How can you prepare yourself for greater leadership? When does leadership test your patience? How can you work on that?
3. It is often quite hard to live like Christ – especially based on Romans 12:9-21. Genuinely love? Outdo one another in honor? Constant prayer? Bless your persecutors? Weep with the hurting? Don’t seek vengeance? Feed your enemy? Those are not natural activities. Why can Paul command us to do those things? How can we make those more natural for us?
Want to dig deeper? Go directly to You will be able to listen or watch a conversation with Temple's pastors as they sit down and dive deeper into the weekly questions and content.
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February 1, 2024February 2, 2024Questions for the WeekSunday Connect Lesson for February 4, 2024February 5, 2024February 6, 2024February 7, 2024February 8, 2024February 9, 2024Questions for the WeekSunday Connect Lesson for February 11, 2024February 12, 2024February 13, 2024February 14, 2024February 15, 2024February 16, 2024Questions for the WeekSunday Connect Lesson for February 18, 2024February 19, 2024February 20, 2024
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