July 30, 2022

  1. Some of the blessings of being a Christian are found in Eph. 1:3-14. We are chosen, holy, blameless, loved, predestined, adopted, favored…and that’s just verse 4!  How do each of those blessings affect your life?  How are they evident? How do they affect your view of God? 
  2. Hebrews 9:11-14 describes Jesus as the greater tabernacle, able to enter not by animal sacrifice but His own. The Holy of Holies was only entered by one person, one day a year, and they had to be ritually clean. What does this say about Jesus? What does this say about Jesus’ sacrifice vs. that of animals? What does it say about how He views mankind?
  3. Mercy is not receiving deserved punishment. We often struggle but Paul says this mercy in our   struggle refines our faith (vs. 7). How has this happened for you in the past? Are you struggling   now? What specific area(s) is God allowing you to struggle to refine your faith?

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