Sunday Connect Lesson for March 6, 2022

Scripture teaches that all people are slaves to sin before coming to Jesus. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we are freed from sin and liberated to choose to serve God.

The apostle Paul wrote this letter to the Christians in Rome about AD 57. He likely wrote while in Corinth on his third missionary journey to spread the gospel.

Study the Word: Key Truth: Believers Are Dead to Sin and Alive to God (Romans 6:1-11)
Just as Christ was raised to new life, so also our lives are to be new and different.

Key Truth: Believers Are to Present Themselves to God as Instruments of Righteousness (Romans 6:12-14) Now that we are dead to sin and alive to God, we must not allow sin to control us.

Key Truth: Believers Are Free to Serve God Rather Than Sin (Romans 6:15-23) Christ has not only broken the power of sin in our lives, but He has also freed us to do something radically different.

How will I put this into practice this week?

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