Days of the week you could meet. (Please choose best options for top 3 days)
Help us to know what type of group dynamic you desire to help us place you in the best group to meet your expectations. Please rank these areas in importance to you:
"I understand that by completing this application I am not registering for the program; instead I am applying and would like to be considered in the selection process." "I also understand that if I am selected to enter the program I will need to sign a covenant and ask my spouse to sign a statement of support."
We hereby commit and covenant to the following:
1. I desire to grow in my relationship with Christ in order to fulfill the purpose for which God has called me. Therefore, I will be open to feedback from my mentor and will endeavor to receive it in love and learn from it. I want to learn and grow to be more like Jesus Christ in every aspect of my life.
2. I understand that I am committing to attend every meeting and retreat, being there on time, and completing all my assigned homework. We will layout our schedule for the year at our first meeting. I will manage my other commitments around the dates that are selected for meetings and retreats. I am committing to the entire season and will finish well.
3. I affirm that my responsibilities and family commitments will allow me the time and energy required to successfully complete this program.
4. I know that my mentor pledges to give the same level of commitment, dedication, and energy to each of us.
5. I further commit, when the Lord leads, to intentionally leverage what is given to me by investing in other women for Kingdom purposes.
6. I agree that I will keep whatever is discussed in the mentoring group as confidential.
7. For married women: I have discussed this commitment with my husband and he fully supports my involvement. He willingly relinquishes the time that I will need to attend the sessions and retreats and to do the reading and homework, with the goal of becoming a more godly woman, wife, and mother.
**Once submitted you should receive a conformation email. If you do not receive it, please contact**