Sunday Connect Lesson for September 18, 2022

Paul's teachings in Romans and Philippians were written in the late AD 50s and early AD 60s. In these passages Paul encouraged his readers to conform their thinking to that of Jesus.
A Different Mindset
A transformed mind is developed through an intentional seeking of God's thoughts. Our attitude and our focus must be on Christ, His Word, and the virtuous things of life.

Study the Word: Key Truth: Thinking like Christ means daily offering ourselves to God as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1-2). Our bodies and minds need to be surrendered to God, and we must forsake our unproductive attitudes, opinions, and philosophies in order to discover God's will.

Key Truth: Thinking like Christ means putting others ahead of ourselves (Philippians 2:3-8). Jesus is the greatest example of how we are to serve others. We need a mindset like His.

Key Truth: Thinking like Christ means focusing on what is good, right, and honorable (Philippians 4:8-9). Paul gave the believers at Philippi a thinking grid by which they could evaluate their thought lives. He also encouraged them to put their thoughts into practice.

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