Sunday Connect Lesson for April 3, 2022

Choosing Love
In this section of his letter to the believers in Rome, written around AD 57, Paul delt with how we should treat each other when we disagree over non-essentials.

What happens when Christians disagree on certain issues? Do we push for our way? Do we separate from one another? or is there a way to respect one another and continue to work together for the kingdom?

Study the Word: Key Truth: Believers Leave Judgement to God in Matters Not Clearly Spelled Out in Scripture (Romans 14:1-12) Paul instructed both parties not to judge each other for their differing opinions in such disputable matters.

Key Truth: Believers Consider Others' Spiritual Well-being as More Important Than Their Own Rights (Romans 14:13-23) Paul challenged his readers to make every effort to build up one another spiritually.

Key Truth: Believers Follow Christ's Example by Placing Others' Interests Ahead of Their Own (Romans 15:1-7) Paul urged believers to be considerate of those who are weaker in their faith and live in harmony with one another.

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