Sunday Connect lesson for March 27, 2022

Who's In Charge?
In this section of his letter to the believers in Rome, written around AD 57, Paul delt with the way believers are to relate to governing authorities.

What should the disciple's relationship be with the government? Paul gives us some guidance in this week's study.

Study the Word: Key Truth: Believers Are to Submit to Those in Authority Unless it Means Disobeying God (Romans 13:1-7) Having heavenly citizenship does not free us from earthly obligations and authority. ultimately God is the source of governmental power.

Key Truth: Believers Fulfill God's Law by Showing Love to Others (Romans 13:8-10) The law of love directs our actions and interactions.  This has more flexibility but also a deeper layer of obligation for decision making.

Key Truth: Believers Display the Character and Lifestyle of Christ (Romans 13:11-14) Since we are living in the last days, we should walk in the light and display Christ in all of our actions.

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