January 21, 2022

Isaiah 63:7-9 (HCSB)
7 I will make known the Lord’s faithful love and the Lord’s praiseworthy acts, because of all the Lord has done for us— even the many good things He has done for the house of Israel and has done for them based on His compassion and the abundance of His faithful love. 8 He said, “They are indeed My people, children who will not be disloyal,” and He became their Savior. 9 In all their suffering, He suffered,  and the Angel of His Presence saved them. He redeemed them because of His love and compassion; He lifted them up and carried them all the days of the past.

Jason Ricciardi - About 19 years ago God impressed on my heart that I should begin writing to my future spouse.  It was nothing life altering or revelatory, but I did do it for several years on a somewhat consistent basis.  It was a gift that I was able to give to my wife so she could have a peek into my life before I met her.  I often thought those letters were solely for her, but God did more in me and for me through them than I could have expected.  The letters were constant reminders of His love for me…reminders of how praiseworthy He is because He is good and compassionate and steadfast in love. Surprisingly, they remain ways that I am reminded of His goodness.  I don’t read them often, but they are historical markers of God’s provision in my life.  My failings coupled with His faithfulness.  My afflictions covered in His assistance.  The prayers He gave me for Sarah answered…. As of October 22, 2021, we’ve been married 16 years and have 2 beautiful kids!  If He is worthy of being trusted with that, how much more my very soul!  You can trust Him too…

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