A Note From Pastor H.D.

What a wonderful time of the year! Summer brings about a lot of excitement. Everyone enjoys going on vacation and the kids are happy to be out of school for a few weeks. But it is also a crazy busy time in all of our families. Here at church, we will celebrate VBS; children’s and youth camp; plus a lot of other activities.  I hope you will keep up with the reading each week provided for you in this publication. It will jump around quite a bit in the scripture, but the theme is “Christian Living”. We will do a character study on Paul, the missionary to the Gentiles, and Aaron, the first high priest. We will also read about purity, faithfulness, and patience. Summertime affords us more daylight, more time outside, and more opportunities to do our hobbies and interests.Please don’t forget that while all of this is important, we need to stay connected as a body of believers.“Christian Living” was never meant to be done by ourselves and while you can worship God sitting on the beach with your toes in the sand, nothing will kill our unity and effectiveness more than isolation. So, take a vacation; take a breather; go to the mountains or the beach but don’t forsake the gathering together of yourselves.  Summer is also a wonderful opportunity to invite your friends and neighbors to church. VBS is not just for kids and we will have a lot of other activities that you could invite those that need a church home.  So, here are your Summertime assignments: pray for your church, read your Bible passages, invite others to attend with you, and come prepared to worship. I don’t know if you have been paying attention, but we have had a bunch of Salvation decisions and Baptisms. That is because God is at work, and He is blessing us by allowing us to be part of this Kingdom work.  
Grace, Mercy, Peace Pastor HD & Susan

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